Information on Guides

Getting Started

For all Users

Learn how to sign in, how to change your username or password, and how to set program visibility.


For all Forensic Program Users

Learn how to take a test and how to use groups and master groups.


For all Industry Program Users

Learn how to take a test and how to use groups.

Account Manager

For all users

Learn about the Account Manager features, how to add users and set permissions.


For all Users

Answers to known Questions


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No Groups - Analyst Focus

This guide explains the No Group set up in detail.

Since there are no set up steps for this option, each user can go right into their work flow.

Work Flow Example: Once registered (“How to Sign in”), an analyst claims a test using the Participant Code and Web code located on their data sheet (“How to Claim a Test for Data Entry”). The analyst completes the data entry response form (“How to Complete Data Entry”) and performs the appropriate review steps. They can print out the test, e-mail it, or just view a read-only copy to review the test. Once the test is reviewed, the analyst can complete the submission to CTS (“How to Submit a Test to CTS”) which includes providing any accreditation information as necessary.

Below is a flow chart showing the work flow of a no group, analyst focused setup.