Information on Guides

Getting Started

For all Users

Learn how to sign in, how to change your username or password, and how to set program visibility.


For all Forensic Program Users

Learn how to take a test and how to use groups and master groups.


For all Industry Program Users

Learn how to take a test and how to use groups.

Account Manager

For all users

Learn about the Account Manager features, how to add users and set permissions.


For all Users

Answers to known Questions


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How to Set Testing Program Visibility

This guide walks you through setting which program's cycles will be displayed within the "Claim New Data Entry" section.

[View PDF version of this Guide]

At the time of registration all programs under your selected department are visible to you by default. The selection of "Industry" department allows for the following programs to be visible: the Agricultural Laboratory Program, Color and Appearance, Containerboard, Metals, Paper, Plastics, Rubber, and Wine.

To change which programs you can see in the "Claim New Data Entry" section of the CTS Portal, follow the guide below.

Click on "Update My Profile", under the "Account" heading on the left hand side of the page.

Click on "Testing Programs".

All available programs will be displayed.  Any program that has a checkmark next to it will be displayed when you are on the "Claim New Data Entry" page.  Click the box next to a program to make a checkmark either appear or disappear. 

Once all necessary programs are checked, click on the "Change Visibility" button to save your changes. 

The screen shown below is an example of what the "Claim New Data Entry" dropdown list would look like based on selecting the Containerboard and Paper programs for program visibility.